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Setup environment

Start your development easily, locally, and with your preferred IDE. Install signageOS CLI, develop your Applet (HTML5 player) and deploy first devices.

What you will need

You need the following stack to get started with your development:


Windows Terminal and Cmder allows open more than one console window which can be helpful in the daily development work.

signageOS CLI

signageOS CLI is a command-line tool for rapid local development that brings you the ability to easily start developing on top of the signageOS framework from your favorite IDE.


npm install @signageos/cli -g
sos --help

It may happen that the sos command won't be recognized. In this situation reinstall the Node.JS with the NPM package on your system. If necessary, please install the older version of the package but not older than v10.15.0


The full documentation can be found on the signageOS Github. Once installed, you can use sos --help for quick help within the CLI.


The best way for managing the Node.js and NPM environments is nvm. Read more here.

Log in

Once installed, log in to the CLI with your signageOS Account.

sos login

Set up default Organization

CLI allows you to manage Applets, devices and tests from multiple organizations. Choose your default one which will be used for development and testing.

If you do not have one yet, create it in signageOS Box

sos organization set-default

Now you are all set. Continue by generating your Applet boilerplate.