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Using sos.authHash for Device Identification and Pairing


The sos.authHash is an alternative device identifier designed for secure pairing and locating devices through the REST API. For security reasons, we do not expose the DUID and UID of devices to Applet on device. Instead, you can obtain the authHash identifier, which can then be used to find devices via the REST API.

  1. The authHash is commonly used as a link between the Applet deployed on the device and the device in device management.
  2. The authHash is unique and can be revoked upon request.
  3. The authHash can be used as a universal identifier for your Applet application.

How to Use sos.authHash

Obtaining authHash within Applet

The authHash can be retrieved from the JS SDK API - it's available as sos.authHash.

async function startApplet() {
await sos.onReady();
window.addEventListener('sos.loaded', startApplet);

Get Device by authHash on Server

To get device details using authHash, make a GET request to the following endpoint:

GET /v1/device/authentication/{deviceAuthHash}

When you provide the correct authHash, the API will respond with a 200 status code and a JSON object containing the deviceUid.

With the deviceUid, you can now call any endpoints that require deviceUid.

Important Note

We have two similar endpoints, but they serve different purposes. The primary one you will use is the endpoint that converts authHash to deviceUid as described above. The other endpoint converts deviceUid to authHash, which is less commonly needed.


  • sos.authHash is a secure alternative for device identification available within Applet context
  • Retrieve authHash from the JS SDK API - sos.authHash.
  • Use the endpoint /device/authentication/:authHash to get deviceUid on server.
  • With deviceUid, you can access other device-specific endpoints.

For more detailed information, refer to the Get Device By AuthHash documentation.