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Version: 7.2.0

Device Info

Information set to the device using the CloudControl - e.g. Location and Tags.

All methods

MethodDescriptionSupported since
getLocation()Returns location when assigned to device5.2.0
getOrganizationTags()Returns list of organization tags when some assigned to device5.2.0
getDeviceName()Returns name of device6.6.0


Location is requested from server on application start, automatically updated when changed and persists in local storage.


interface IDeviceLocation {
name: string;
customId?: string;
description?: string;

getLocation(): Promise<IDeviceLocation | null>;


Location is requested from server on application start, automatically updated when assigned or unassigned and persists in local storage.

interface IOrganizationTag {
name: string;

getOrganizationTags(): Promise<IOrganizationTag[]>;