📄️ Setup environment
Start your development easily, locally, and with your preferred IDE. Install signageOS CLI, develop your Applet (HTML5 player) and deploy first devices.
📄️ Generate Applet project
Applet includes your application code along with the signageOS JS API and creates a standardized environment for your code to run on numerous devices.
📄️ Developing Applet with CLI
Once you generated your first Applet, it's time to start coding your solution. Applet boilerplate support hot-reload and emulation of JS APIs in built-in Emulator.
📄️ Connect Applet to Device Using signageOS CLI
Speed up your development with instant deployment of your applet directly from the command line interface (CLI) to a device in your local network using signageOS.
📄️ Encrypted values and secrets
In some cases, you may need to pass sensitive data, such as tokens, credentials, and passwords, to the system. signageOS provides a mechanism to asymmetrically encrypt this data and store it in an encrypted form.
📄️ Congratulations!
You have just learned the basics of signageOS DevSpace and made some changes to the initial Applet.