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Triggers using Keyboard

From v1.4.0 you can use keyboard key presses as a trigger for activating content playback in SMIL Playlist.

Using keyboard to trigger content

Define trigger based on key press sequence

  • The origin is always set as keyboard
  • data defines the key sequence pressed on the keyboard (in the example below the trigger will become active if your press 5 times a)
  • action is always set to keyUp

You can define any number of the triggers with various data. Each data has to be unique and one data should not be a substring of the other.

<trigger id="trigger1" condition="or">
origin="keyboard" <!-- Trigger origin, now keyboard -->
data="aaaaa" <!-- Key string to match -->
action="keyUp" <!-- keyboard action, probably fixed -->

Define region for triggered content

Read more about regions for triggered content in the Triggers article.

<!-- define the screen resolution -->
<root-layout width="1920" height="1080" backgroundColor="#18182c" />

<region regionName="trigger-region" left="10" top="10" width="1280" height="720">
<!-- Single sub-region filling the parent region completely -->
<region regionName="trigger-sub-region1"

Define content triggered by the keyboard trigger

<!-- referencing <trigger id="trigger1"> defined in <head>
"aaaaa" is not a mandatory naming
<seq begin="trigger1">
<video src="aaaaa.mp4"
region="trigger-region"> <!-- As a region you always set the parent of the sub-regions -->

Trigger duration

its possible to specify trigger duration either by dur attribute which takes values in seconds, or by repeatCount attribute which counts each play of the trigger.

<!-- referencing <trigger id="trigger1"> defined in <head>
"aaaaa" is not a mandatory naming
<seq begin="trigger1" repeatCount="4">
<video src="aaaaa.mp4"
region="trigger-region"> <!-- As a region you always set the parent of the sub-regions -->
</seq> <seq begin="trigger2" dur="10">
<video src="aaaaa.mp4"
region="trigger-region"> <!-- As a region you always set the parent of the sub-regions -->

Trigger cancellation

By default, trigger is cancelled by itself when its finished playing or by another trigger which was triggered later. If you want to cancel trigger prematurely, without running any other trigger, you can specify end attribute with same value specified in begin attribute. This way when you press sequence to activate trigger which is already playing, it will be canceled and smil player will resume original playback.

<!-- referencing <trigger id="trigger1"> defined in <head>
"aaaaa" is not a mandatory naming
<seq begin="trigger1" end="trigger1" repeatCount="4">
<video src="aaaaa.mp4"
region="trigger-region"> <!-- As a region you always set the parent of the sub-regions -->