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How to build SMIL Player Applet

Following guide provides steps to build your version of SMIL Player from Github repository and uploading it to signageOS DevSpace.


  1. signageOS Account
  2. created Organization in Box (create one here)
  3. Node.js >= 16
  4. NPM
  5. a shell/terminal environment (like bash, zsh, powershell...)
  6. a source-code editor (like VSCode, Sublime, WebStorm...)

Create an Applet

  1. First, navigate to signageOS Box -> Applets -> New Applet
  2. Create a new Applet
  3. Once created, get the Applet UID, we will need it later in the process in Step 5

Clone signageOS SMIL Player repository

In your favorite terminal, use the following commands:

Clonning from official SMIL Player repository
git clone
cd ./smil-player

The repository is located on signageOS Github account:

Install signageOS CLI and additional libraries

npm install @signageos/cli@latest -g
npm i -SE @signageos/front-display
npm i -SE @signageos/front-applet

Initiate signageOS CLI and login

Login with your signageOS Account and follow the guide in the terminal

sos login

Select your Organization under which you generated your Applet in the step 1

sos organization set-default

Build the project and test it locally

To run the SMIL Player, make sure you build it first.

npm install && npm run prepare

sos applet start --applet-dir dist --entry-file-path dist/index.html

Now you should be able to open up your web browser on http://Your-IP-Address:8090 and see the project running. Do your changes, if necessary, and continue with the next step.

Login to signageOS CLI and upload your version to signageOS

### Adjust package.json file

  1. Open up package.json file in the root folder of the project
  2. Check the 5th line main and make sure there is dist/index.html
  3. Change the appletUid to YOUR Applet UID from the Step 1
Add your Applet UID into package.json
"name": "@signageos/smil-player",
"version": "5.2.0",
"description": "SMIL player",
"main": "dist/index.html",
"files": [
omited items..
"sos": {
"appletUid": "41240bf563bac504af...e06dfeb6824"

Upload to signageOS

Make sure you build your project before running the sos applet upload.

// build the project
npm run build-prod

// upload to signageOS
sos applet upload --entry-file-path dist/index.html

Next Steps

Now you have successfully uploaded your SMIL Player into the signageOS and you can start deploying it to supported device.

Learn more on how to deploy the SMIL Player here.