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Sequence Playlist

The sequential playlist is the simplest form of playlists in SMIL.

In a sequential playlist, media objects are played in the order they are listed in the SMIL playlist. One media object starts playing after the preceeding one ends.

Simple loop

<seq repeatCount="indefinite">

<video src="ad1.mpg" region="main"/>
<video src="ad2.mpg" region="main"/>
<img src="ad3.png" dur="5s" region="main"/>


Loop 2 videos and 1 JPEG indefinitely.

Nested loop

<seq repeatCount="indefinite">

<video src="ad1.mpg" region="main"/>

<seq repeatCount="2">
<video src="ad2.mpg" region="main"/>
<img src="ad3.png" dur="5s" region="main"/>


Plays the sequence: ad1, ad2, ad3, ad2, ad3 and repeats the entire sequence endlessly.
