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signageOS SMIL Player supports multimedia objects, including videos, images, streams, video inputs, HTML5 widgets and HTML5 websites.

Basic usage

A simple video played for its entire duration.

<video src="ad1.mp4" />

To ensure your video will be played, check the supported video files formats and codecs by your devices.

Video duration

If you need to play part of your video, you can define dur attribute. Dur will cut the video playback after defined number of seconds.

<video src="ad1.mp4" dur="15s"/>

Videos in Background

Do you need to play a video in background? The possibility to play videos in the background is currently under review. As of now, you can workaround the missing layering by forcing all videos to run in the background.

Known limitations: you cannot layer videos on top of each other.

Set videos to play in the background in configuration

You can configure SMIL Player with several parameters including forcing the background video playback.

In the Applet configuration set videoBackground to true.

Configuration of videoBackground property

Learn more about Applet configuration here.

Set videos to play in the background in SMIL Player code

  1. Open the parameters.ts file
  2. Change background: false to background: true
  3. Build and upload this adjusted version of the SMIL Player